Sunday, June 7, 2009

Teen Models and the Internet

Teen Modeling has always been a very popular Industry. Companies like Abercrombie & Fitch, Old Navy, Aeropostle, Billabong, and many others exclusively market the teenage demographic and as such generally hire Teen Models to best portray the image they are seeking. According to recent studies, Teen consumers in the age range from 12 - 17 showed an estimated spending power of 153 Billion and thus present a vast marketing opportunity that is multifaceted and touches on many products and services.

To successfully target teen consumers, many companies are seeking Teen Models to represent their particular brand. In the retail industry, much has been made of teens™ attraction to the youthful image projected by retailers like Abercrombie & Fitch; therefore teens naturally gravitate to this retailer as one Ĺ“for someone my own age.

So what options are available to today's Teen's wishing to become a model? The opportunities for Teen Models today are endless. With the advent of Web 2.0 user-generated websites, many Teen Models are finding it much easier to get noticed and present their Online Model Portfolios. The advantage of Online Modeling Portfolios and user-generated Social Networking sites have been refined to market the Online Teen Model directly. Such sites are called Online Model Listing services.

While there are many Online Model Listing services available, it is important for prospective Teen Models to recognize distinct differences in them. Many Online Model Listing services offer free registration and a limited ability to upload an Online Portfolio. This allows the Teen Model to begin a modest online presence but often falls short in regards to a Fully Interactive Online Model Listing service.

The next Online Model Listing service offers a full, interactive Online presence for the Teen Model, enabling the model to present a professional model portfolio with no space limitations. Fully Interactive Online Model Listing services also offer options totally unavailable to the typical free listing service. This includes the ability to communicate directly with prospective clients, agencies, photographers, and companies. Full service listing companies also offer the ability to apply for online jobs, upload completed image or video sets, and receive payments directly through the website.

With the increased convenience of the Internet, many Teen Models are choosing to model directly through a Fully Interactive Model Listing service. This is not only potentially very profitable, but a safe alternative to traveling.

Teen Models today have more choices and opportunities then ever before. If you are a Teen Model wishing to explore this exciting industry it is important to build a professional digital portfolio and select the Online Model Listing service that best suits your needs. Update your images often in order to always represent your latest look and interact as often as possible with your prospective clients. Online Teen Modeling is a lucrative and exciting field and will only increase in popularity. If you are wishing to become a Teen Model the time has never been better to begin.

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