Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What is Structural Equation Modeling?

Have you come across this term in some of your educational assignments? Structural equation modeling is a statistical technique that is used for testing and estimating causal relationships. Scientifically speaking, it is a combination of statistical data and qualitative causal assumptions. Because of the nature of structural equation modeling, it befits confirmatory modeling as opposed to exploratory modeling. In plain English, this means that this technique is used for testing theories rather than creating theories.

You might be confronted with this technique if you are a college student preparing your dissertation. Dissertations can be very complex and yet students do not always have teachers available for individual assistance. Therefore, some students seek out online research companies for help on structural equation modeling as well as other statistical or observational information, such as path analysis overview or exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis.

This is an ethical practice because students are not paying someone to write their dissertation for them. They are merely getting assistance in the research end of the paper. Therefore, they can draw their own conclusions after being given statistical examples. Dissertations are required documents that students must complete before receiving a college degree. If you need help with statistical research but have no personal authority to consult, where can you turn?

Visit SEM Consulting. This research company is staffed by doctorate level educators and professionals who have had experience in writing dissertations. When it comes to writing such a complex assignment, you need someone you can trust and someone that has taken the same path in their education. This is the offer that SEM Consulting makes to new students facing the educational challenge of their lives. For more information on structural equation modeling, as well as other collegial assistance in researching, visit the company's website at Sem-Consult.com.

SEM Consulting has been helping students and business executives complete their dissertations or projects for over 15 years. If you are in need of structural equation modeling assistance, visit SEM-Consult.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jack_M_Patterson

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