Once upon a time model planes were built with balsa and tissue paper. Boats were built with light weight wood. Models were built to sit and be admired or pretend played with. Boys and men enjoyed building these models but after they were made they were put on shelves to be looked at. Some planes were played with as light weight gliders but soon that just wasn't enough.
Ideas where beginning to be put into place to see if these planes could be made to do more. An engine was attached as was a string to tether the plane and with luck and perseverance the plane flew - for awhile. The drawback was that the plane flew in a circle as it could only go as far as the string allowed it to. This was also not enough for the hobbyist.
With the invention of servos and radio bands a form of remote control was developed. Now with an engine, radio control, and a plane we could fly without being attached to anything. We had free flight. A boat could be operated from the shore while the boat was out on the water and doing maneuvers. Cars and trucks could be made to do different things as well and tanks could shoot BBs, smoke, and the turrets move. Models were coming out of the dark ages. Cars, trucks, boats, airplanes and helicopters previously powered and operated by imagination were now able to be operated from afar.
Today the world of remote control modeling has opened to electric motors. Planes have progressed to being able to fly in back yards, football fields and parks. They are small, compact and clean - no fuel mess to clean up.
The fuel motors were larger and the servos were bigger. All this added weight to the aircraft. Work was done to shrink the size and weight of the servos to make a lighter aircraft. Today the nano and mini servos have enabled the electric motor to become the motor of the future. The Backyard Flyer is a product of this technology. Work is now being continued to make the small servo capabilities even better. In the near future planes will be larger and still use the electric motor with the small more powerful servos and add a whole new era to the fun of model airplane flight.
Planes, boats, helicopters, just about any toy or model can be made to do something. New technology is being made available every day. This makes RC Modeling a fun hobby for the whole family.